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ipod nano 最新广告歌 (1,2,3,4 by Feist)

发表于 2007-11-8 01:24:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
女排世界杯期间, 除了观看精彩的排球比赛, 在 局间休息时候, 你可曾留意了ipod nano 最新的广告歌呢?

来自 加拿大女歌手 Feist 的最新专辑的 "the reminder" 的主打曲目 "1,2,3,4", 此音乐歌词天真烂漫, 曲调诙谐随意, 让色彩绚丽的ipod nano 年度新款更添一份俏皮而讨喜的气质.....第一次在btv-6看到这则广告就深深被吸引, 被打动.....

现在推荐给vbol无数爱排球, 爱nano, 爱精致生活的朋友们............

(1) 歌曲下载地址: 右键另存为

(2) 广告 Clip, 来自 Youtube


(3) 如果对女歌手Feist 的专辑有兴趣, 可以下载整张 "the Reminder"

专辑Emule 下载链接

(4) 可爱的歌词一览

one, two, three, four,
tell me that you love me more.
sleepless, long nights.
that was what my youth was for.
oh, teenage hopes
arrive at your door
left you with nothing,
but they want some more
oh, oh, oh,
you're changing your heart.
oh, oh, oh,
you know who you are.
sweetheart, bitterheart,
now i can't tell you apart.
cozy and cold,
put the horse before the cart.
those teenage hopes,
who have tears in their eyes.
too scared to own up
to one little lie.
oh, oh, oh~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
发表于 2007-11-8 01:45:43 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-11-22 10:33:24 | 显示全部楼层
听起来很不错啊 推荐推荐 [s:580] [s:580] [s:580] [s:580] [s:580]

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