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认识一下阿塞拜疆超级新星,Mammadova第二:Polina Rahimova

发表于 2011-3-18 00:12:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 aprillure 于 2011-3-18 00:24 编辑

这个1990年出生的198CM超级主攻手(暂时不接一传)Polina Rahimova 2007年就横空出世进入阿塞拜疆国家队参与欧锦赛,2008年在比赛中拿过45分的惊人高分,2011年在Challenge Cup 挑战杯半决赛对阵俄罗斯Uralochka俱乐部轰出了罕见的48分高分(39扣6拦3发,2010年destinee hooker在波多黎各联赛,2011年fe garay在日本V联赛均拿过40+高分)。刚好有一篇比较详细的访问,来自Azerivolley.com 2010年7月的专访,非常详尽。她谈到了最大的梦想是奥运会,最想进入的俱乐部是意大利Bergamo,最喜欢的选手是Mammadova/Aguero

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Soft spoken and always smiling, everything about Polina Rahimova exudes confidence. A regular fixture in the national team since she was a teenager, Polina is, without doubt, one of the brightest young stars in European volleyball. In an interview to Azerivolley she talked about her debut in the national team, her dreams and aspirations.

Hi, Polina! First question that we always ask is, tell us something about yourself.

I am Polina Rahimova and I was born on June 12, 1990 in Uzbekistan. Because of my father's job, my family moved to Ukraine when I was 2 years old.

When and where did you start playing volleyball?

I picked up volleyball when I was 8 years old and we lived in Ukraine – first in Zaporozhie and then in Donetsk. My first coach was Lyubov Nikolayevna.

How did you end up in Azerbaijan? Did anyone advise you to move here?

Back then I had three choices: I could have gone to Russia, I could have joined French RC Cannes or I could have come to Azerbaijan. At my sister's advice and with a help of former Azerbaijan national team member Yelena Shabovta, I decided to come to Azerbaijan. So, at the age of 15 I came to a new country and started a new page in my life. First, I joined Nagliyatchi Baku team and we won silver medals of the national championship. Later, I moved to Azerrail Baku where I have been playing ever since.

Polina, you were a member of the Azerbaijani national team at the 2007 Senior European Championship, you were in the starting six and you were only 17 years old! How did you manage to win the confidence of the coaching staff?

Right before the beginning of the tournament we have lost Yelena Shabovta and Alla Hasanova to injuries and our coaches had to make changes in the roster. So they have decided to give a chance to young players like Darya Zamanova, Aynur Karimova and myself. But we were worried about one thing only – how to make as few mistakes as possible.

Polina, you are still a very young player, but you already have a reputation for having a very powerful spike. What do you think of your game? What do you think are your strongest and weakest elements?

I think my strongest element is offensive game – attacks and jump services. Jump service is also my weakest element - I need more stability in execution. Then again I don't think that I reached my full potential and I think there is still a lot of room for me to grow.

You usually play as non-receiving outside hitter; however, I think you are more than capable to play as an opposite hitter. So, my question here is why do you prefer to play in the fourth zone or why won't you try to receive?

I like playing outside hitter, because I like being a main character on the court. Outside hitters are usually the ones who get most of the set balls. Of course, I would love to be able to receive, and I know that I have a potential for that too, but under our current game plan, our coaches, they see me as an outside hitter and I have to do what they want me to do. But then again, one day things might change.

Was there anyone in your life who told you that you weren't good enough to play volleyball?

Yes, there was one and to hear something like this it breaks your heart, especially when you are young. But it all doesn’t matter now. Plus that person has changed her mind long time ago!

Who is your volleyball idol?

I really cannot say that there is a single player whom I follow, but I do like Natalya Mammadova a lot. She is really a great player and one can learn many things from her. She is also very helpful and supportive on the court. I can also name Taismary Aguero, Natasa Osmokrovic and Manon Flier. Also, Alice Blom surprised me a lot with her great game. I also follow Russian Tatiana Kosheleva. Her and I, we are of the same age and she has improved a lot and I like her style of play.

What's your biggest dream in volleyball?

Olympic Games! I dream about it. I just want to be there, to feel that atmosphere and excitement.

Who is your best friend in the national team?

(Smiling) Everyone! I have very good relationships with all my teammates. I feel myself very comfortable among them and we really enjoy spending time together on and off the court. We always help and support each other and there is really a positive atmosphere within the team.

Why didn't you choose Uzbek or Ukrainian national team? Would you have picked them up had they invited you?

Had they offered it to me, I could have thought about it. But now, I wouldn't have done it. My team is Azerbaijani national team and I am very happy with it. I learned playing high level volleyball and became who I am today in this country and I'm very grateful for that. Azerbaijan gave me everything that I have now.

Let's imagine for a moment that you can pick your own teammates and coach. Who would you pick? What would be your "dream team?"

Very interesting question... let`s see... setter, of course, I'll take our own Oksana Parkhomenko and I'll also pick Irina Zhukova. Middle blockers, I'll take my favorites Strashimira Filipova, Simona Gioli and someone whose style I really like, Chinese Yunli Xu. I cannot pick opposite hitters! I have too many to chose from - Manon Flier,Taismary Aguero ,Yekaterina Gamova or maybe Neslihan Darnel. I'll have Natalya Mammadova, Natasa Osmokrovic and Hao Yang as my outside hitters. I will add Nicole Davis and Valeriya Korotenko duo as my liberos, and I will finish it off by taking Faig Garayev as our coach.

What do you think about the level of the Azerbaijani Superleague?

The Azerbaijani Superleague is developing really fast, and I think, if everything goes well, it is going to be one of the most competitive leagues in Europe. We could not have imagined having so many top level players coming to Azerbaijan and joining our teams. Last season turned out to be very competitive and very interesting and the upcoming season promises to be all that and maybe even more.

I know you have received many offers from abroad, yet you chose to stay in Azerbaijan. What was your reason?

I did wanted to play abroad, to test myself, but then I figured that if I can play high level volleyball at home then there’s really no need to move out. But one day, I might give it a try. Plus, I had another reason to stay back. Our national team is beginning its preparations for the upcoming Olympic qualifications and it would have been nice if all national team players were competing in the same league.

If you decide to play abroad where would you go – what league and what team?

I think I would rather go to Italy, and I would love to play for Bergamo – the best team in Europe. Italian league, in my opinion, is still the best, although they have lost many top class players. Italians they have the system in place that no one else has. Even without big starts, with young players only, they still will be among the best.

Recently you have introduced new elements into your game, such as one leg attack from the second and near the third zone. It looks pretty impressive! What is it? Some new tactics or what?

No, this isn't some special tactics. I just like varying style of play. I like one leg attacks because sometimes I want to attack like a central player and this allows me to move quickly.

By the way, exactly how tall are you?

Right now, I'm 198cm tall, but I think I will grow by at least 2 more centimeters.

Why did you pick number 17 for your jersey?

When I first came to Azerrail, there were only 2 shirt numbers available. I picked number 17 because I used to have it before. This number also has a symbolic meaning – I was 17 years old when I took place at my very first European Championship!

Only two years ago you were a young and inexperienced girl, but today you are one of the leaders both at the club as well as the national team. You are one of the rising stars of Azerbaijani and European volleyball. How does that affect you?

It is good to be one of the main elements of the team. It is also very pleasant when people compliment you and your game, but sometime it makes me nervous when they call me a "star". We are human beings after all and too much attention is never good. It is always nice when fans chant your name, as you serve the ball or attack. It gives me an extra boost and I feel like I play better. But again, I like things in moderation.

What does Azerbaijani national team needs to aim for higher goals? Why does our team always collapse in decisive moments? What are the weakest and strongest points of the national team?

I will have to agree with you here. We have players who are among the top players in the world on their positions, but, unfortunately, we lack good reception and it hinders us from achieving our goals. We have suffered quite a few heartbreaking losses because of that. Azerbaijan always had good receivers and I hope that our young player will continue this tradition.

Your older sister Olga is also a volleyball player, and I know that she signed a new contract with Russian Samorodok team after spending three years at Dinamo Kazan...

(Laughing) You know all about my sister too! Yes, Olga Doronina is my sister and she was a member of the Ukrainian national team. I always wanted her to join one of the Azerbaijani clubs, but she could not leave Russia due to some family issues.

What is "Azerbaijan" for Polina Rahimova? Have you ever had any regrets about your decision to move to Azerbaijan?

Azerbaijan is my motherland! I have no reasons to be disappointed. I was on a crossroad, and I have made the decision of my life and I think I made a right decision.

What character traits of yours do you like and dislike?

I like that I am social and I get along well with people. I don't like that I am very stubborn at times.

What kind of music do you listen to?

I listen to different types of music. It depends on my mood really.

Are you interested in fashion? What is your style?

I like sporty style, makes me feel comfortable. Sometimes I go for classic attire. It again depends on my mood.

Do you like animals? Do you have any pets?

I do! I like cats very much. Unfortunately, I don't have any pets at the moment.

If you had a chance, what would you have changed about your life?

Nothing really. I just want to do what is best for me and my parents and I think I can do that.

At what age do you want to get married and do you have someone special in your life?

I already have someone very close to me. I do not know if it is love though, but I don't want to think about marriage right now.

What about kids? How many would you like to have?

I don't know how many, but if I decide to take a break, I would do so only when there are no major competitions going on. Plus, afterward I will also need some time to regain my conditions. Right now for me volleyball is the best thing in the world and I intend to continue playing until I'm 42! That is, of course, if my health permits.

Now, let's try this - I will say a word and you tell me the first thing that comes to your mind. You may use names or say anything that you want about that particular word. Shall we start?


...is the main thing in life!


...is playing volleyball and being loved by fans!

"Faig Garayev..."

An outstanding coach!


The place where I live is my home.


The best team.

"Olympic Games..."

My Wish! My Dream! My Desire!

"Lyubov Sokolova..."

...is a great player and an intelligent person who not only had a great career but is also living a great life!


My hometown! My choice on the crossroad!


Pop star!


My favorite website! The most professional volleyball website in Azerbaijan!
 楼主| 发表于 2011-3-18 00:16:56 | 显示全部楼层
Personal information

Full name - Polina Rahimova
Nickname - Polya,Poli
Nationality - Azerbaijan
Born - June 5, 1990
Place - Uzbekistan

Volleyball information

Height - 198 cm
Weight - 84 kg
Spike - 324 cm
Block -310 cm
Position - Outside-hitter
Current club - Azerrail Baku Azerbaijan (2009/2011)
Number -17


2005/07 - Nagliyyatchi Baku Azerbaijan
2007/08 - Azerrail Baku Azerbaijan ( European Champions league)
2008/09 - Azerrail Baku Azerbaijan ( CEV Cup)
2008/09 - Azerrail Baku Azerbaijan ( CEV Cup)
2009/10 Azerrail Baku Azerbaijan ( CEV Cup)
2010/11 Azerrail Baku Azerbaijan ( Challenge Cup)


2005-2006 - Azerbaijan Superleague Vice Champion
2007-2008 - Azerbaijan Superleague Champion
2008-2009 - Azerbaijan Superleague Vice Champion
2008-2009 - Novotel Cup Champion
2008-2009 - Dubai Volley 2nd place
2009-2010 - Azerbaijan Cup Gold Medal (1st place)

Individual awards:

2008-2009 - MVP and Best Scorer-Novotel Cup
2008-2009 - Best Blocker Dubai Volley Tournament
2009-2010 - Best Scorer - Azerbaijan Superleague
2009-2010 Best Server (WCH Qualification Round)
2009-2010 Best Spiker (WCH Qualification Round)
2009-2010 - MVP - Azerbaijan Cup
2009-2010 - Best Scorer - Azerbaijan Cup
2009-2010 - Best Scorer -Azerbaijan Superleague

使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-3-18 00:21:14 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2011-3-18 03:45:03 | 显示全部楼层
Nancy Metcalf曾经在2002年波多黎各的一场常规赛中拿下49分,那场比赛她扣了差不多快100个球,至今无人打破,这是该国联赛的单场最高得分纪录。 还是波多黎各,2005年她在一场季后赛中拿下40分,曾经是PR联赛季后赛单场得分最高纪录,2010年被Hooker的43分打破。






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发表于 2011-3-18 08:00:09 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2011-3-18 08:30:41 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2011-3-18 08:33:26 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2011-3-18 08:34:22 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2011-3-18 09:11:31 | 显示全部楼层
回复 5# 辉辉爱jolin

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发表于 2011-3-18 09:27:06 | 显示全部楼层
fe garay是谁啊


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发表于 2011-3-18 09:45:39 | 显示全部楼层
回复 9# xujianking

    gamova是321 barbara是320

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发表于 2011-3-18 10:32:09 | 显示全部楼层
324 的确够厉害啊 身高 再加上弹跳不错的话 根本就罩不住

芭芭拉 有320? 我觉得没有  GAMOVA打中国 抄手抄的  芭芭拉以前中国队都还能拦到她 或者撑起来 GAMOVA 巅峰 我们那时基本连球都很难摸到

使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-3-18 10:37:22 | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 2011-3-18 10:41:32 | 显示全部楼层
回复 11# 辉辉爱jolin


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发表于 2011-3-18 10:46:28 | 显示全部楼层
信天游 发表于 2011-3-18 10:37

    当时芭芭拉 如果打直线 是何其拦网的话 抄手很正常

   王怡有一场把 芭芭拉栏的披头散发 王怡的拦网高度当时虽然OK 但是到了现在 也不算高啊 可能和马大姐差不多

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发表于 2011-3-18 10:51:10 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-3-18 11:04:14 | 显示全部楼层
当时芭芭拉 如果打直线 是何其拦网的话 抄手很正常

   王怡有一场把 芭芭拉栏的披头散发 王怡 ...
trrevolution 发表于 2011-3-18 10:46


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发表于 2011-3-18 11:10:59 | 显示全部楼层
回复 17# 左边

    可能相对现在中国这群女排队员 她们是不错  

  PS  加莫娃的点 高  是肯定的  因为其他国家也拦不住

     芭芭拉 我觉得她弹跳其实一般 当时她93的身高的确优势明显。 放到现在 芭芭拉还是很猛 但是不会像90年代那么惊艳。

使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-3-18 11:54:47 | 显示全部楼层
回复  左边

    可能相对现在中国这群女排队员 她们是不错  

  PS  加莫娃的点 高  是肯定的  因为 ...
trrevolution 发表于 2011-3-18 11:10


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发表于 2011-3-18 11:56:18 | 显示全部楼层
xiayu007 发表于 2011-3-18 10:51


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