本帖最后由 BarryAllen 于 2014-8-2 16:35 编辑
GIBA RETIRES!Gilberto Aamauri De Godoy Filho or simply Giba, announced his retirement from the professional volleyball! Giba宣布结束自己的职业球员生涯。
One of the best volleyball players ever decided that at the age of 37 it's enough. 作为世界上最好的球员之一,giba认为是时候结束职业生涯了。
"It's the hardest decision I had to make in my whole life. After 25 years I have to leave the court, to leave my home. My journey was full of wins and losses and I don't regret any of them. My fans, my trophies, that's what kept me going for so long and I'm very sad to put the end on this chapter of my life. I'm looking forward to the next challenges, projects and I'm excited. I hope Giba will stay in the hearts of the fans for many years to come." “这是我这辈子做出的最艰难的决定。在球场上摸爬滚打25年之后,我不得不离开这里,离开我的另一个家。我的职业生涯有无数的胜利,也有不少失败,但是我并不为之感到遗憾。我的球迷,我的荣誉,让我在球场上坚持了这么久。要告别人生的这一篇章,我感到非常难过。但是我也很期待接下来的挑战和事业,我依然斗志昂扬。我希望Giba这个名字能在将来的许多年中依然停留在球迷的心中。”
Farewell Giba, it has been a pleasure watching you! 再会,Giba,看你打球一直是一种享受。