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发表于 2008-1-12 23:21:58
I appear on this stage in a title not of anchorwoman,but of MRS ZHANG, whose husband now stands next to me.
Could you kindly give one minute and listen to me?
This is a special moment for the Olympics Channel and also for Mr. Zhang Bin.
And for me, it a special day, too, for not until 2 hours ago have i figured out that Mr. Zhang Bin has a paramour.
The Games is drawing near in the year to come and the entire world will thus be watching China and Chinese.
There is a french diplomat, who told that not until when it morally influences the world shall China be defined as a powerful state.
If Chinese fails to tell the world that they have a steady pursuit for morality, then what are they supposed to pursue during and after uprising?
Let me say all that i want to say.
How could a weak and poor woman be treated as you are treating now?
There is only thing left to say, let me speak it out!
Mr Zhang Bin now appears properly in front of us but can he feel unguilty in his heart?
And can he feel at ease in front of his wife, who he has hurt?
I do believe that if China wants to be a great state,
... Could you guys keep clear to your conscience?
Leave me alone!
This is the last Sunday of this year.
And when tomorrow comes, holidays start happily.
But MR. Zhang Bin and I will absolutely get away from happy holidays.
I'm sorry. I wish every one happy new year. I apologize.
Hopefully i didnt stand in the way for the next athlete to get on the stage. |