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2008 US Olympic Trials (6.19-6.22)

发表于 2008-6-14 20:39:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



2008-09 U.S. Senior National Team
Jana Bieger, Coconut Creek, Fla./Bieger International Gymnastics
Mackenzie Caquatto, Naperville, Ill./Aerials
Olivia Courtney, Orlando, Fla./Orlando Metro
Ivana Hong, Blue Springs, Mo./GAGE
Alaina Johnson, Tyler, Texas/Texas East
Shawn Johnson, West Des Moines, Iowa/Chow’s Gymnastics
Mattie Larson, Los Angeles/All Olympia
Nastia Liukin, Parker, Texas/WOGA
Corrie Lothrop, Gaithersburg, Md./Hill’s
Chellsie Memmel, West Allis, Wis./M&M Gymnastics
Samantha Peszek, Indianapolis, Ind./DeVeau’s
Alicia Sacramone, Winchester, Mass./Brestyan’s
Randy Stageberg, Chesapeake, Va./Excalibur

Also invited to the U.S. Olympic Team Trials
Chelsea Davis, Lakeway, Texas/Texas Dreams
Darling Hill, Mt. Laurel, N.J./Will-Moor
Britney Ranzy, Gaithersburg, Md./Excalibur
Amber Trani, Richlandtown, Pa./Parkettes
Bridget Sloan, Pittsboro, Ind./Sharp’s
Shayla Worley, Orlando, Fla./Orlando Metro


Thursday, June 19 – 7:00 p.m. - Men's All-Around Finals - Day 1
Friday, June 20 – 7:00 p.m. - Women's All-Around Finals - Day 1
Saturday, June 21 – 3:00 p.m. - Men's All-Around Finals - Day 2
Sunday, June 22 – 6:00 p.m. - Women's All-Around Finals - Day 2

发表于 2008-6-14 21:58:58 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2008-6-19 03:12:50 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2008-6-19 20:27:48 | 显示全部楼层
2008-09 U.S. Senior National Team
Also invited to the U.S. Olympic Team Trials

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发表于 2008-6-21 13:36:45 | 显示全部楼层
结果如下。转载IG ONLINEhttp://www.intlgymnast.com/events/401.html
Chelsea Davis   VT   Yurchenko 1 1/2 - high and stuck.   14.700
Olivia Courtney   UB   Maloney, Jaeger, free hip to bail to toe shoot; toe Stalder to Gienger, giant-full to a stuck full-twisting double tuck. 5.6   14.400
Jana Bieger   VT   Yurchenko 1 1/2, low and with a small hop. Solid and better than usual. 5.5   14.600
Mackenzie Caquatto   UB   Maloney to bail to toe Stalder to toe shoot; blind to Jaeger, Tkatchev, toe-on half to giant full; stuck full out. Nice routine with nice form. 5.9. Big spread on B-Panel scores - 8.20 to 8.80.   14.450
Samantha Peszek   VT   double-twisting Yurchenko with one step. She should upgrade to 2.5 - it looks easy for her. 5.80   15.100
Britney Ranzy   UB   Toe Endo half; Maloney to bail; giant full to Tkatchev; double pike with a step forward; a bit heavy on the giant full and the casts. 5.4   13.700
Darling Hill   VT   Yurchenko 1 1/2 - beautiful form but not that much height.   14.650
Chellsie Memmel   UB   Hindorff to Pak, Stalder to Shaposhnikova to bail to toe hecht; toe-on Stalder giant full to Tkatchev, blind, jam to stuck double front. Nice routine for her now. 6.8   16.150
Amber Trani   VT   crashed Yurchenko double full. Very high on the table, same as warm ups.   13.250
Alaina Johnson   VT   Yurchenko full   13.800
Mattie Larson   UB   Endo half, Maloney, Stalder to bail to toe hecht, Stalder full, off line a bit, to Tkatchev; toe Stalder, double arabian dismount with a step forward. Good routine for Mattie - she fell on the dismount in the warmup. Coach Artur really worked to help her get through. 6.1   15.100
Nastia Liukin   VT   Stuck Yurchenko 1 1/2 - very nice. 9.5 B panel.   15.500
Shayla Worley   UB   Maloney, toe-on Tkatchev; Hindorff; clear hip full-late; to bail to toe hecht; toe on full to Tkatchev, blind change front giant-awkward looking, cowboyed double front with small hop. 6.7   15.400
Ivana Hong   VT   Yurchenko double-full - a little high on the table but still made it.   14.800
Randy Stageberg   UB   free hip to toe hecht; Gienger, blind to front giant half - bent arms and saved; Pak - extra cast; straddle shoot up hecht; giant-full crooked, double Arabian.   13.450
Corrie Lothrop   UB   toe on Stalder, blind change, toe Endo to piked Jaager; straddle Jaeger; free hip to bail to shoot up; giant full to Tkatchev; stuck full-in. Short casts and legs apart a bit on several occasions.   
S. Johnson   UB   Jaeger, free hip half; to giant full to Gienger; free hip to toe on full to bail to toe hecht; layout double-double with a big step back. Three of her handstands looked short. 6.4   15.700
Rotation 2
Peszek   UB   giant 1 1/2 to Jaeger; clear hip half to high Gienger; clear hip to Bail to stalder shoot up; giant full, stuck full-twisting double layout;   15.300
Caquatto   BB   Yurchenko mount. Switch leap, back pike. full turn with leg up. Sheep jump. Back tuck. Korbut. Split leap, wolf. Ro ff 2 1/2 - stepped off the mat. 5.6   13.800
Memmel   BB   barani. switch leap back tuck. Standing Arabian, stuck. Illusion. Punch front, ff layout. Front aerial. Side aerial. Double pike with the smallest hop. Hit routine but lots of form problems and no grace. 6.9   16.000
A. Johnson   UB   Maloney to bail to toe hecht; straddle staldder blind; Endo half; toe on Stalder, Tkatchev; Stalder full late; double Arabian very close to the bar.   14.100
Larson   BB   front aerial two feet; switch ring; standing Arabian - needs to fix her technique on this; front aerial to flick layout; full turn in attitude; front aerial to scale; RO double tuck;. good routine for Mattie - this is a very nervous event for her. 6.6   14.400
Sloan   UB   toe blind to Endo half; toe hecht; pir Stalder full to Tkatchev; inside Stalder to toe-on Tkatchev; toe stalder to bail to Stalder hecht; full twisting double layout; with step forward. Very badly flexed feet on releases. 6.7   15.600
Worley   BB   split jump, straddle jump. Onodi. Switch leap. Kochetkova to sheep jump. Onodi to two feet. Illusion. Front aerial, ff layout. Slightly off. Russian Rulfova. Double tuck. 6.1 - .1 neutral deduction   14.800
Liukin   UB   hecht shoot; inside Stalder half to El; Endo in el; Ono full, Ono full, Ono full with a half (form break) to Gienger; inside Stalder to Tkatchev; Pak; toe hecht; double front half out close to the bar; froggie form and poor landing. Should be about 8.5 execution - given 9.00 from generous judges. 7.7   16.700
Stageberg   BB   straddle planche mount. Back tuck. Fulll turn with leg up - wobble. Front aerial. Sheep. Wobble. Ff, back pike. Switch leap, switch side. Side somi. Ff, ff double pike - fell backward.   13.900
Hong   UB   inside stalder blind to Endo half - had to muscle to save it; hecht; toe Stalder to inside Stalder full to Tkatchev; Stalder to bail to shoot up; toe-on Stalder; stuck full out. 6.6   15.200
Lothrop   BB   1 1/2 turn... Aerial roundoff. ff layout; front tuck; back tuck; switch to gainer layout; side arabian; double pike; step.   
Davis   UB   Jaeger, free hip to Pak; Toe-on stalder to toe hecht; giant full to giant half to Bail to straddle shoot up; full out stuck   15.000
S. Johnson   BB   ff, ff two-foot layout. Standing full. Switch leap, layout, layout two feet. Switch side. She is nailing everything. Split leap, pike jump, back tuck - long. Full-in. Amazing tricks, but where is the elegance? 6.9   16.250
Bieger   UB   Endo half to hecht; Stalder full to Tkatchev; Stalder half to Ricna; Stalder full to bail; to hecht; full-in. Loose foot form throughout. 6.6   15.650
Sacramone   BB   front pike mount; back tuck; switch full; front tuck; ff layout two feet; turn with leg up; front pike, layout stepout; switch leap sissone. Ff ff stuck double pike. 6.5   15.650
Courtney   BB   fell on front aerial to sit mount - didn't make it over.   13.550
Rotation 3
Trani   BB   ff layout - small wobble. Switch side, short. Front aerial to two feet. Split jump, sisson. Front tuck. Double pike with a step.   14.400
Memmel   FX   very high piked Arabian double front. Double layout. Very powerful. 2 1/2 punch layout - stepped out of bounds. Double twist. The way she holds her hands and wrists should be a deduction. Stuck double pike. 6.1   15.300
A. Johnson   BB   Front aerial. Back tuck. Full turn. Sheep jump - poor. Front tuck. Front aerial to arabesque - big break. Very cowboyed double tuck.   
Larson   FX   Arabian double front. Gorgeous triple full! Triple turn. Ring tour jete. 2 1/2 punch layout front. Really nice movement to the music, shows real elegance and style. This is how floor exercise should be! Double pike - low landing. Ran out of gas at the end but every pass was so high. 6.00   15.250
Sloan   BB   front aerial. Side aerial. Full turn wih leg up. Punch front. Ff layout step out. Switch leap, back tuck. Hands and wrists need work. Front aerial to one foot - had to save. Double pike, slightly low. 6.1   14.850
Worley   FX   scratch   0.000
Stageberg   FX   double arabian piked; full-in pike; double full; 2 1/2 front layout; switch ring switch full; double pike. Great tumbler   15.200
Liukin   BB   Press mount. Front aerial, ff layout. Full turn with leg up - beautfiul. Switch half. Sissone, sheep jump. Side somi. Onodi, wolf full. She's really on. Kickover front to arabesque (Nistor). Switch ring - well oversplit. 2 1/2 with a big hop forward. Nice routine. 6.6   16.100
Lothrop   FX   2 1/2 layout front. Tucked full-in. 1 1/2 to Rudi. Double full. Double pike.   14.950
Hong   BB   McCool mount. Front aerial, ff layout - slightly off. Onodi. Side aerial. Switch leap, back tuck. Sheep jump. Ff ff double pike with a step back. 6.7   15.700
Davis   BB   straddle press mount to double stag planche. Full turn with leg up - nothigh enough. Ff layout. Side aerial. Punch front. Back tuck. Korbut. Side somi. Switch leap. Back pike. Weird hurdle into her double pike dismount. Looks still like a junior.   14.750
S. Johnson   FX   Double-double. Whip triple full - barely around. Switch full; swich ring switch side half; turn leg up; Front full to Rudi. 1 1/2 staddle jump Double full. Tucked full-in. Nice tumbling. That is a big routine. The music doesn't seem to really fit however. 6.6   16.100
Bieger   BB   removed her planche mount. Barani - slightly off. Front pike. Full turn. Front aerial, ff layout. Switch leap, back pike. Punch front. Double front. 6.5   15.250
Sacramone   FX   Double turn with leg up. Tucked full-in. 1 1/2 split jump; Arabian double front. Front full. 2 1/2 punch layout - out. Lots of jumps and posing with attitude but no dance to speak of. Double pike. She landed half an inch from the corner on every pass except for the one she landed out.. Tumbling is high but tricks are standard - same as Carly Patterson four years ago.   15.400
Peszek   BB   standing full, back pike. Solid. Front aerial, ff layout. Front pike - a bit low. Full turn with leg up - not held. Switch leap to gainer layout. Double pike with one step. Very solid with not one wobble. 6.6   15.800
Courtney   FX   1 1/2 to Rudi, full-in tuck; switch full; full twisting split jump; double Arabian; double pike   14.750
Hill   BB   switch leap, back pike with a wobble. Fall on ff layout. Standing front tuck - wobble. Double front.   13.000
Caquatto   FX   Tucked full-in - OB. Triple twist - very nice. Double turn leg up; swith ring switch full; layout to front full; front double full; double pike - landed in a deep squat.   13.900
Ranzy   FX   huge double layout. Arabian double front - step back. 2 1/2 layout front. Front full. Double turn. Terrible music for floor exercise. Double pike - out of bounds.   14.300
Rotation 4
Worley   VT   Yurchenko 1 1/2 - close to sticking but had to step back.   14.600
Sloan   FX   1 1/2 to triple full - gorgeous but stepped out. Piked full-in - out again. Front double full. Triple turn, a bit off. Double twist. Double pike. Some problems on her landings but she is 3 months out of meniscus surgery. She would be a great addition to this U.S. team - clean gymnast and puts emotion into her routine.   14.550
Stageberg   VT   Yurchenko double full   14.900
Liukin   FX   front layout full, front double full, stuck. Nice. Handspring double front, one step back. Great jumps. 1 1/2 to Rudi. Double turn with leg up. 2 1/2. Just beautiful. If she can fix her bars dismount, she can really challenge for all-around gold in Beijing.   15.700
Lothrop   VT   Yurchenko double full   
Hong   FX   handspring double front - legs together, nice. 2 1/2 front half very low; great form on the leaps. 1 1/2 to front full. Double pike. Great ending pose. Nice upgraded routine.   15.150
Johnson   VT   Yurchenko 2 1/2 with a step forward. Overrotates it - looks like she can do a triple.   15.950
Davis   FX   piked full-in - locked legged landing and skidded backward out of bounds. Front full to double full. 1 1/2 Rudi. Double pike.   14.850
Sacramone   VT   stuck layout Rudi. Not great distance from the horse, but probably the best she's ever done that vault!   15.900
Bieger   FX   Layout half-in half-out - out of bounds. Double layout - not completely straight. Front full, Rudi - sloppy. Double pike. Has all the tricks, but if she doesn't make this team it will be because she lacks polish and her B-Panel scores reflect that.   14.600
Courtney   VT   Yurchenko double-full - messy legs in the air   14.700
Peszek   FX   tucked double-double - higher than Johnson. 2 1/2 front full. Triple turn. Arabian double front - cowboyed and hop forward but stayed in bounds. 1 1/2 twist. Double pike. The fourth lock for the team after Johnson, Liukin and Sacramone.   15.650
Caquatto   VT   Yurchenko double full   14.950
Hill   FX   Switch half. Split jump full. Piked Arabian double front - so high. Handspring double front. 1 1/2 front full. Double pike - tucked down. Very good dancer.   14.950
Ranzy   VT   Yurchenko double full - high and far.   15.100
Trani   FX   tucked full-in; 1 1/2 front full; Rudi; double pike   14.250
Memmel   VT   stuck Yurchenko 1 1/2 - bent knees but much better than warm up   14.800
A. Johnson   FX   Tucked full-in. 1 1/2 front; RO double full; double pike with two quick steps forward.   14.250
Larson   VT   Yurchenko double full - good form but with a big hop.   14.800
IG Live Update: 10:17 PM:

Top seven after one day:

1 Shawn Johnson 64.000
2. Nastia Liukin 63.500
3. Chellsie Memmel 62.250
4. Samantha Peszek 61.850
5. Ivana Hong 60.850
6.Jana Bieger 60.100
7. Mattie Larson 59.550

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发表于 2008-6-21 14:27:58 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2008-6-21 14:38:44 | 显示全部楼层
引用第6楼¤美丽之心于2008-06-21 14:27发表的 :

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发表于 2008-6-21 18:10:44 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2008-6-21 19:58:23 | 显示全部楼层
肖恩,柳金,梅美尔,SAM,SAC 这5大主力几乎是0失误!

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发表于 2008-6-21 20:33:53 | 显示全部楼层
美国队的确有我们学习借鉴的地方。[s:736] [s:736] [s:736]

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发表于 2008-6-21 20:55:16 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2008-6-21 21:43:02 | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 2008-6-21 23:34:34 | 显示全部楼层
引用第12楼lefeng8282于2008-06-21 21:43发表的 :


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发表于 2008-6-22 00:47:00 | 显示全部楼层
引用第13楼bluesky12于2008-06-21 23:34发表的 :



8月9日 男团预赛---(中国16:00-18:00)
8月10日 女团预赛---(中国10:00-11:30)
8月12日 男团决赛---10:00-12:46
8月13日 女团决赛---10:00-12:10
8月14日 男子全能决赛----11:00-13:30
8月15日 女子全能决赛----11:00-12:58
8月17日 男子自由操 女子自由操 男子鞍马 女子跳马决赛-----18:00-20:27
8月18日 男子吊环 女子高低杠 男子跳马 决赛-----18:00-19:41
8月19日 男子双杠 女子平衡木 男子单杠------18:00-19:41

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发表于 2008-6-22 01:15:20 | 显示全部楼层
引用第14楼lefeng8282于2008-06-22 00:47发表的 :

应该是团体作为前两名的队伍比赛顺序是 同世界锦标噻么

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发表于 2008-6-22 01:40:54 | 显示全部楼层


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 楼主| 发表于 2008-6-22 10:08:26 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2008-6-22 14:16:13 | 显示全部楼层
引用第19楼lefeng8282于2008-06-22 14:12发表的 :

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