本帖最后由 dippo 于 2012-6-17 00:29 编辑
CHENG DU, China - Yan Zi has a very big place in Chinese tennishistory. She and Zheng Jie were the first Chinese players to winGrand Slam titles, taking the doubles titles at the Australian Open and Wimbledon in 2006;she was the third Chinese player to win a WTA singles title as well, winningGuangzhou in 2005 (Li Na and Zheng were the first and second).But it has been a year since the 27-year-old Yan has played on theWTA - where has she been?
Becominga mother. And wtatennis.com caught up with her over in China...
It has been a year since you've played. What have you been up to?
"During the year I wasaway from the courts, everything I did was for my baby, from waiting for her tobe born to taking care of her and playing with her. But at the same time, Istill keep my eyes on tennis - sometimes I watch the matches on TV and sometimeson live scores, but I've been watching!" ss When was your baby born and what is her name?
"She was born onJanuary 17, 2012, and her name is Izs." ss What is it like being a mother now? "It's amazing. Herevery single movement catches my attention. She's growing up day by day - she'sfive months old, but she already looks bigger than when she was born. I'malways thinking, 'Did she really come out of my belly?'" ss What are your best memories from the WTA? "I have had a lot of beautiful memories during my tenniscareer, but the best is when I held the doubles trophies at theAustralianOpenandWimbledonin2006. That's a dream for every tennis player. The most unforgettable match wasthe quarterfinals of the Beijing Olympics in 2008, when we went on court aftermidnight - we were really behind in the third set but finally we won the matchat 3:40am, and all the audience burst into cheers. I felt so happy." ss Do you plan on returning to tennis?
"I'm planning to, yes,because I don't want to give up on tennis. But as I have a baby to take care ofnow, I can't be on the road too much. So I will play doubles at sometournaments. I'm looking forward to playing again!" ss Yan,who hits the ball with two hands off both sides, has been one of China's mostsuccessful players, winning one WTA title in singles and 17 WTA titles indoubles (her career-high rankings are No.40 and No.4, respectively).