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发表于 2008-1-14 17:08:16
引用第23楼Andre于2008-01-14 08:55发表的 :
从毒液毒性来说,世界上最毒的蛇是生活在澳大利亚西北部的阿什莫尔群岛的暗礁周围的裂颊海蛇,它的毒性比任何陆地蛇大许多倍。 陆地上最毒的蛇是澳大利亚西部的最毒的陆生蛇就是内陆太攀蛇(以前叫内陆盾尖吻蛇) ,一条蛇的毒液能毒死25万只老鼠。
....... Venom
The majority of Sea Snakes, like their Elapidae family cousins are highly venemous. However, when bites occur, it is rare for much venom to be injected, so that envenomation symptoms usually seem non-existent or trivial.[8] For example, Pelamis platurus has more potent venom than any other terrestrial snake species in Costa Rica, but despite being abundant in the waters off its western coast, few human fatalities have been reported.[9] Nevertheless, all sea snakes should be handled with great caution.[8]
Bites in which envenomation does occur are usually painless and may not even be noticed when contact is made. Teeth may be left in the wound. There is usually little or no swelling involved and it is rare for any nearby lymph nodes to be affected. The most important symptoms are Rhabdomyolysis (rapid breakdown of skeletal muscle tissue) and paralysis. Early symptoms include headache, a thick-feeling tongue, thirst, sweating and vomiting. Symptoms that can occur after 30 minutes to several hours post bite include generalized aching, stiffness and tenderness of muscles all over the body. Passive stretching of the muscles is also painful, and trismus, which is similar to tetanus, is common. This is followed later on by symptoms typical of other elapid envenomations: a progressive flaccid paralysis, starting with ptosis and paralysis of voluntary muscles. Paralysis of muscles involved in swallowing and respiration can be fatal. 3-8 hours post bite, myoglobin as a result of muscle breakdown may start to show up in the blood plasma, can cause the urine to turn a dark reddish, brown or black color, and eventually lead to acute renal failure. 6-12 hours post bite, severe hyperkalemia, also the result of muscle breakdown, can lead to cardiac arrest.[14]
Elapidae (elapids)
(common names of well-known members: cobras , kraits, coral snakes, mambas, sea snakes, sea kraits, Australian elapids)
The venom of elapid snakes is notorious for the potency of its neurotoxins. These snakes have similarities in their XXXXX. Venemous elapid snakes greatly range in size, aggressiveness, and in habitat. "The king cobra (Ophiophagus hannah) is the world’s longest venomous snake, growing up to 5.5 m (18.5 ft). The main constituent of king cobra venom is a postsynaptic neurotoxin, and a single bite can deliver up to 400–500 mg of venom, ...about fifteen thousand times the LD50 dose for mice. The world’s most venomous snake is the Australian elapid small-scaled snake (Oxyuranus microlepidotus), can deliver up to 100 mg of venom with an LD50 for mice of 0.01 mg.kg)1, giving up to 500 000 LD50 mice doses. [3].
Although sea snakes have some of the world's most potent venom, the numbers of human fatalities from snake bites is apparently limited by their marine environment and behavior (more coming with references).
另外,从这句话来看毒性最大的还是in land taipan。
As far as the subcutaneous rating being close to the kraits/sea snakes, the black mamba is actually very close in toxic lethality. An LD 50 of .32 compared to an LD 50 of .04/.08 for sea snakes and a .02 for the inland taipan, is very, very close and all very lethal.
当然,我所举的例子都不是来自scientific paper。 |