楼主: Matt


 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-26 21:01:18 | 显示全部楼层



对的 女神姐姐的比赛不多啦 看一场少一场  详情 回复 发表于 2012-8-26 21:29

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-26 21:02:50 | 显示全部楼层
油沏的麦田 发表于 2012-8-26 21:01


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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-26 21:28:47 | 显示全部楼层

Saturday, August 25, 2012
THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.
Q. Congratulations on winning the Olympics, the gold medal. Do you carry itwith you here to the States?
ANDY MURRAY: No, I didn't bring it with me. It's at home.


Q. Any special place at home that you keep it?
ANDY MURRAY: No. Well, I mean, I left pretty much the day after the final, so,no, I didn't have time to put it anywhere special yet. I will do it when I gethome.

Q. Do you feel reaching the finals at Wimbledon and winning the Olympicshas lifted some sort of burden for you?
ANDY MURRAY: I mean, I don't know. Obviously winning the Olympics was the biggestwin of my career, that's for sure. It meant a lot to me. The Wimbledon final, Imean, that's the first time I have been there. I was happy with the way Iplayed. It was obviously disappointing, a tough one to take for a few daysafterwards, but I don't know. I mean, I feel confident in myself just now.That's what's important.

-- 额,这个不好说。很显然,赢得奥运会金牌是我职业生涯迄今为止最大的胜利,对我而言意义重大。而今年的温网,那是我第一次进入温布尔登的决赛,虽然我对自 己的表现满意,但是结果真的很令人失望,比赛结束后的好几天都很难从中走出来。但这些会不会对我形成负担?说不定,我现在对自己有信心,这才是最重要的。
Q. Do you feel more confident coming into this than you ever have before?
ANDY MURRAY: I get asked that before every slam. Am I more confident? You neverknow what's going to happen when you get out there on the court. I preparedwell. I trained hard the last five, six days, so I'm ready to go.

Q. The momentum you get from Wimbledon and the Olympics, is that somethingyou can carry with you?
ANDY MURRAY: I don't know. I mean, a week in sport can be quite a long time.There has been a number of weeks since Wimbledon and a number of weeks sincethe Olympics as well, so I don't know ‑‑ I mean, the one thing it has given meis a bit more confidence probably. But I needed to make sure that afterwards,you know, I worked hard. That's the most important thing. Whether you'reconfident or not confident, providing you work hard and you do all the rightthings in training, then you'll get a good result. That was the most importantthing, to make sure I kept my feet on the ground and keep working hard and tryto improve.

-- 在竞技体育里,一周算是很长的时间了,而温网和奥运都已经过去好一阵子了,所以,怎么说呢,可能它们带给我的更多的是自信吧!但我需要确保自己在这之后努 力地训练,这才是最重要的:不论你是否充满信心,只要你努力训练,按部就班,你就能得到好的结果。确保自己能放平心态,努力训练提高才是最重要的。
Q. You usually come here after good results in Canada and Cincinnati. Whatsort of effect will this year's results have on the next fortnight?
ANDY MURRAY: I didn't really play much in Toronto, so, you know, to be honest,I do not think it's going to have much bearing at all. I have had enoughpractice. Now, like going into Toronto and Cincinnati I had no practice on thehard courts, really, you know. After Toronto I had to take a few days off, aswell. So, you know, in some ways it was good. I got a few matches in probably,but, you know, I played some of my best tennis in Australia when I have notreally gone in there really playing that many competitive matches beforehand,you know. So long as I have trained well and practiced well, that's what givesme the most confidence. I went into Wimbledon this year having lost in thefirst round of Queen's. That was meant to be a horrible preparation, butWimbledon worked out fine. So there's no reason why that can't happen here.

-- 多伦多我基本没怎么打球,所以,说实话,罗杰斯杯没有什么参考意义。前面两站比赛我真的没怎么练习,罗杰赛杯后我又休 整了好几天。但我现在已经做了充分的练习,所以,某种程度上那未尝不是一件好事。今年澳网前我也没怎么打比赛,但我在澳网的表现很好。所以说,只要我有很 好的训练和练习,它们自然会带给我自信。今年我是带着女王杯首轮失利的结果进入到温网,这本是噩梦般的热身准备,但事实上温网的结果也不赖,美网也是一样 的道理。
Q. You say you have been training hard. How is your knee doing? Anyhangover from the knee problem?
ANDY MURRAY: No, it's been fine. It was fine pretty much in Cincinnati. Ifelt like I was actually moving okay there. But, no, I mean, I took two, threedays off after Cincinnati, as well. We came to New York and just took a coupleof days away from the guys and just spent a couple of days on my own justrelaxing. Then started training again on Sunday night. I started training. Ihave had no problems with it this week at all.


Q. The US Open can be very overwhelming, the crowds and a lot ofdistractions. How do you keep your focus during an event like the US Open?
ANDY MURRAY: I mean, it can be challenging. It is very different. A lot of theGrand Slam ‑‑ well, the other Grand Slams it can be very different. Staying ina quieter hotel than usual this time and just trying to make sure I don't spendtoo much time around the courts, because it can be very busy, quite loud at thecourts, especially the first week. So just trying to get out of here as quicklyas possible and just relax in the evenings, and not, you know, spend too muchtime out and about. That's the key for me, anyway.

-- 恩,这的确挺难的。和其他大满贯赛事相比,美网很不一样。我这次选择呆在一家更安静的酒店,尽量不在球场周围呆太久,淫威在球场的话就会很繁忙,那边人身 很嘈杂,尤其是第一周的时候。所以,我会尽快离开赛场,晚上好好放松,不要花费太多时间在其他事情上。恩,这就是我的方法了。

Q. How does the elation of winning something as big as a gold medalmanifest itself three or four weeks after the event? Do you still wake up inthe morning and think, Whoa, I'm an Olympic champion? Or do you stow it awayand start on with the next one?
ANDY MURRAY: It was definitely like that for a good week, ten days afterwards. AfterWimbledon, like four days after Wimbledon I dreamt I won Wimbledon, and I wokeup in the morning and I was just starting to feel better. (Laughter.) Thatdidn't help.
Then a few days after the Olympics, I dreamt that I lost in the final of theOlympics. Obviously waking up remembering that I had won was nice. That waswhen I was in Toronto.
So I mean, yeah, you think about it a lot. But the thing with tennis I thinkespecially is of course we have tournaments and things to look forward to inthe not too distant future. Once you start getting on the match court again,you start to ‑‑ you never forget about it, but that feeling is a bit different.You're nervous going into matches and preparing for events. That takes yourmind off what happened a few weeks ago.

---赢得金牌这种巨大喜悦是怎样在赛后的几周里反应出来的?你还会一觉醒来就想“哇偶,我现在是奥运冠军了”么? 还是你已经收拾好心情,专注于接下来的比赛了?
---在奥运结束后的一周真的是这样的,差不多有十天。温网之后,貌似是第四天吧,我梦见自己赢得了温网冠军。那时自己刚开始感觉好一点,所以,那个梦只是帮倒忙。而奥运之后,在多伦多时,我又做梦了,这一次,我梦见自己输了金牌...一觉醒来,记得自己确是赢了,那感觉就很棒了。所以,我是说,这些事真的会在脑海里停留很久。但网球的特别之处在于,我们无时无刻都有新的比赛需要去准备。虽然你不会忘记自己取得的成绩,但是一旦你又回 到赛场上,那种感觉就不一样了。你的神经会再度紧张起来,需要面对接下来的比赛,需要一心一意去准备,自然而然就不会再去想几周之前发生的事了。

Q. Were you able to stay connected at all tothe second week of the Olympics when you were away?
ANDY MURRAY: I actually got to see very little of it, unfortunately. I wouldhave liked to have stayed and watched some of the other sports and just to havebeen home. To have been around my friends and family obviously after a weeklike that it would have been nice. But it wasn't to be. Yeah, I didn't reallyget to see that much of the second week.

Q. A lot has been written over the years of having the hopes of a nation onyour shoulders. Here in this country the perception is we don't have anybody toput any hopes in. Are there any men on the American side that actually thinkhaving a shot at winning the hardware this year?
ANDY MURRAY: The last few years a lot of the same guys have won the slams andbeen in the last few stages of the slams, especially the last few years. Imean, pretty much all of the American players are very dangerous because oftheir game style. You know, Mardy and Andy obviously are two of the older oneswith experience and have big serves. When they play well, they can be very,very tough to play against. And then Isner, he just won the tournament inWinston‑Salem. Querrey was in the semis there. He's had a very good summer.Winning it is incredibly tough. I know that. I know how hard it is to win. Butthose guys have big games, and if they can string it together for a fewmatches, then they can get themselves deep in the event. Then anything canhappen.

--- 额,在过去的几年里,大满贯的冠军和四强基本被同几位球员垄断了,尤其是在最近的几年。我认为,由于他们的打法,几乎所有的美国队员都是很厉害的角色。马 迪和安迪老当益壮,经验丰富,发球犀利。当他们状态好时,他们就很难被击败。然后是伊斯内尔,他刚刚赢得了温斯顿—塞勒姆站的冠军,亏了一也打进了那一站 的半决赛。他这个夏天打得很好,要赢得那站比赛很不容易,这点我很清楚。这些球员都有着威力十足的发球,只要他们能够将发球状态连续发挥出来,他们就能在 比赛里取得更好的成绩,没有什么事不可能的。
Q. What sort of void is there without Rafa here?
ANDY MURRAY: Well, I think tennis misses him, that's for sure. But I stillthink the tournament will do well. You know, I'm sure the crowds will still bevery good. Tennis I think is in a very good place just now. But, yeah, I thinktournaments definitely miss him because he brings something different to a lotof the players on the tour in terms of his character and his personality andthe way he is on the court. The energy he brings to the match court isincredible. So tennis will definitely, definitely miss him while he's notplaying.

-- 恩,我觉得网球界都在想念他,这是肯定的。美网的观众依旧会很热情,因为网球运动现在正处于一个很好的发展阶段。但是,各项赛事都在期盼他的回归,因为他 给网球带来了很多不一样的东西,他的风格,他的性格,以及他在球场上的表现,这些和很多其他球员都不一样。他给赛场带来的激情不可思议,所以,网球界都在 期盼他回归。
Q. You talked about the same guys making the latter stages of all bigtournaments lately. For the first time in a long time you're on the same halfas Federer. Obviously there is a lot of rounds to go before you meet him, butdoes it feel different for you at all?
ANDY MURRAY: It doesn't feel different, really. Feels the same as any otherslam to me. I mean, going into the slams over the last couple of years eitherbeen drawn in Rafa's half or Roger's half, and then last year it was eitherRafa or Novak. In Australia this year I was drawn in Novak's half, and thatmakes very little difference to me.

Q. Just out of curiosity, have you had any dreams about the US Open lately?
ANDY MURRAY: Not yet, not yet, but I'll keep you posted. (Laughter.)

Q. You mentioned you were in a quieter calmer, hotel. I know Ivan talksabout staying calm in big tournaments. Has that been influenced by him at all?
ANDY MURRAY: No. I have stayed in a lot of different hotels over the sevenyears or so I have been playing here. Yeah, I think I just decided to go forsomething a bit different. I mean, a lot of the slams I have tried, especiallythe last few years, to stay somewhere where it's a little bit quieter justbecause that's what I like. When I have played well at Wimbledon I've stayed athome, and it's normally fairly quiet where I live. I like that. I like justbeing able to get back to the room and just be able to chill out. Obviously NewYork can be very, very noisy if you're staying right in the middle ofManhattan. That's why I decided to change this year.


--- 不。过去7年,每年我住的酒店都不一样,我只是想试试不一样的选择。尤其是近几年,我都尽量选择比较安静的地方,只是因为我比较喜欢安静。温网期间,我就 住在自己的家里,那里很安静,我喜欢静静的。我喜欢在打完比赛后能回到自己房间里,然后迅速冷静下来。纽约真的很闹,尤其是当你住在曼哈顿时,所以,我决 定换个环境。
Q. When you were a bit younger you used toget a bit of a kick walking around the streets of Manhattan. Can you still dothat?
ANDY MURRAY: Yeah, I still do it. When I had the few days off I still go outand walk around a bit, do shopping, that sort of stuff. But, yeah, just when itgets closer and closer to the tournament I try and stay, you know, away fromthe streets and just in my own little bubble, I guess. Then, yeah, when thetournament finishes that changes. I still love coming here to visit. It's sucha fun place to come.


Q. When you have any of those walks, do people say, Look, who that is there?
ANDY MURRAY: No, I think probably more this year than I have had in thepast, that's for sure.

Q. As you know, Kim Clijsters has spoken at Wimbledon eloquently about thepressures you've faced. When you think of Kim and consider the fact that shesays this is her last major, what do you think KiM is?
ANDY MURRAY: Well, it depends. As a person, which is often ‑‑ it is much moreimportant than the tennis. I mean, she's a lovely person. I don't know herincredibly well, but every time I have seen her or been around her she's been alot of fun. She's very polite, you know. She obviously loves her kids and herfamily. Then as a player, I mean, great competitor, you know, I think sheobviously had early in her career a lot of tough losses. She was competingagainst Henin a lot, and a lot of pressure came with that. She lost a lot oftough matches to Henin. Then she managed to turn that around after doing whatshe did taking a break from the game. To come back to win a slam or couple ofslams is pretty incredible to do what she's done. I'm sure she will beremembered as one of the best players that played over the last 15, 20 years,and also one of the best people. Kim Clijsters.

--- 嗯,这个要分开说。首先,作为一个人(一个球员的为人要比她的网球更重要),我想说,她是个很好的人。虽然我不是特别了解她,但每次和她接触,她给我的感 觉就是很有趣,很礼貌,很爱自己的孩子和她家庭。作为一个网球运动员,她是一名出色的竞技者,在职业生涯早期,她经历了很多坎坷。她和海宁有多次交锋,这 些比赛带给她很大压力,她输给海宁很多次。但是,在决定离开网球一阵子后,她扭转了败局。在离开那么久之后再回来,还能拿下大满贯,她所做到的很了不起。 我确信,在接下来的几十年里,她都会被作为最好的球员之一和一个最好的人为人们所铭记。


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发表于 2012-8-26 21:29:35 | 显示全部楼层
Matt 发表于 2012-8-26 21:01



打就是为了赢 再多再少也要有要求有期待嘛,又没有老态龙钟也没百病缠身的  详情 回复 发表于 2012-8-27 09:48
她说要坚持到里约呀。 姐妹俩,特别是姐姐,对奥运相当热爱呀。  详情 回复 发表于 2012-8-26 21:47

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-26 21:47:56 | 显示全部楼层
油沏的麦田 发表于 2012-8-26 21:29


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发表于 2012-8-26 23:49:06 | 显示全部楼层
Matt 发表于 2012-8-25 22:26
然后去沙波面前给她炫耀,看,出道比你晚,进得比你早.气死 ...



阿扎当然机会更大啦。 半决赛就对上沙波。。。。沙波今年对阿扎战绩不佳。。。。所以,哈哈哈。  详情 回复 发表于 2012-8-27 09:41

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-27 09:41:22 | 显示全部楼层
卡位 发表于 2012-8-26 23:49


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发表于 2012-8-27 09:48:57 | 显示全部楼层
油沏的麦田 发表于 2012-8-26 21:29




不是有口眼干燥症么? 再加上伤 再加上年纪也不小了,有时候跑到网前救个球,那气喘得。。。。。  详情 回复 发表于 2012-8-27 11:38

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-27 11:38:59 | 显示全部楼层
madonna 发表于 2012-8-27 09:48



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发表于 2012-8-27 11:42:58 | 显示全部楼层
愉悦起飞 发表于 2012-8-26 16:49



我已经改好了,原谅我~~~还有谢谢告知~~~ PS:Biryukov爱你~~~  详情 回复 发表于 2012-8-27 12:20

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发表于 2012-8-27 12:20:44 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 愉悦起飞 于 2012-8-27 18:58 编辑
dippo 发表于 2012-8-27 11:42




这下巴可以跟菲尔普斯媲美了  详情 回复 发表于 2012-8-27 12:55
多谢支持  详情 回复 发表于 2012-8-27 12:34

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发表于 2012-8-27 12:34:22 | 显示全部楼层
愉悦起飞 发表于 2012-8-27 12:20
我已经改好了,原谅我~~~还有谢谢告知~ ...


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发表于 2012-8-27 12:42:13 | 显示全部楼层




她俩今年不是拿了温网冠军,奥运冠军么?法网冠军是不是她俩?怎么还需要外卡来参赛捏?世界排名不应该不够吧?  详情 回复 发表于 2012-8-27 16:48
小克有参加双打的传统么 记得好像不怎么参加吧  详情 回复 发表于 2012-8-27 12:53

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-27 12:50:41 | 显示全部楼层



这张图是去年的,没觉得啊,感觉还是很帅啊。 黑人嘛,不会累的...  详情 回复 发表于 2012-8-27 18:53

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发表于 2012-8-27 12:53:34 | 显示全部楼层
dippo 发表于 2012-8-27 12:42



美网结束就退役了 所以这次克妈表示女单女双混双都要参加 PS.克妈2003年法网温网背靠背女双冠军  详情 回复 发表于 2012-8-27 13:02

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-8-27 12:55:33 | 显示全部楼层
愉悦起飞 发表于 2012-8-27 12:20
我已经改好了,原谅我~~~还有谢谢告知~ ...



长相、身高、身材比例完胜菲鱼啊~~~  详情 回复 发表于 2012-8-27 18:57

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发表于 2012-8-27 13:02:07 | 显示全部楼层
沙漠一泓 发表于 2012-8-27 12:53




with whom,Jusustine?  详情 回复 发表于 2012-8-27 13:27
哎呦要退役了啊 真是 时间杀猪刀啊  详情 回复 发表于 2012-8-27 13:03

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发表于 2012-8-27 13:03:40 | 显示全部楼层
dippo 发表于 2012-8-27 13:02



退役前刷新了与海宁的H2H,克妈可以光荣回家奶孩子了 哈哈哈哈  详情 回复 发表于 2012-8-27 13:31

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-27 13:27:41 | 显示全部楼层
dippo 发表于 2012-8-27 13:02

with whom,Jusustine?


菲力浦肯斯。。。  详情 回复 发表于 2012-8-27 14:06

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-27 13:31:25 | 显示全部楼层
沙漠一泓 发表于 2012-8-27 13:03


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