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发表于 2012-12-16 06:22:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 渡轮 于 2012-12-16 06:26 编辑


Kristin Richards - 美国女排主攻
Totally heartbroken for CT. Said so well by a friend: "If there is any comfort, or solace, that can be found in this tragedy, its in knowing that these children are in the arms of Jesus, experiencing a love that is greater than, and unlike, any love that can be experienced here on earth." ♥(为康州感到心碎。一位朋友说得不错,“在这场悲剧中,唯一令人慰藉的,便是明白那些孩子们已经在耶稣的怀中,他们得到了更伟大的爱,一种在这个世界上得不到的爱。”)

Matt Anderson - 美国男排主攻
‏@MattAnderson_1: Upset physically & emotionally how someone can think that taking the lives of children is the answer 2 any problems #prayers4conneticut (我身心都感到非常沮丧。为什么会有人认为夺走孩子们的生命可以解决问题?#为康州祈祷)

Danielle Scott - 美国女排副攻
‏@DScottArruda: Sad sad day… Late reading the news of the tragedy in Connecticut still my prayers go out to all the victims. #prayers4conneticut (伤、伤、伤透了的一天…我刚刚才从新闻上读到康乃狄克州的悲剧,为所有受害者祈福。#为康州祈祷)

Misty May-Treanor - 美国女子沙滩排球
@MistyMayTreanor: Didn't see news till now. Why? Why do people need to hurt others? This is very tragic what happened in Conn. my thoughts and prayers go out to all those families! Senseless Just senseless. (直到刚才我才看到消息。为什么?为什么人们会伤害彼此?康州发生的这一切太悲剧了。我为受害者和他们的家庭祈祷悼念和祈祷!我难受得失去了知觉。)

Chelsea Rashoff - 美国女子沙滩排球
‏@ChelseaRashoff: This absolutely breaks my heart. Crying while reading this. Cannot believe the tragedy today in CT. No words (这让我彻底伤心。看这则消息的时候,我落泪了。我不能相信康州今天发生的悲剧。我无语凝咽。)

Christa Harmotto - 美国女排副攻
‏@Big_Chri: Prayers go out to all those involved with the elementary school shooting… so sad. (为所有在这起学校枪杀案中所有受牵连的人祈祷…好难过。)

Claire Hanna - 加拿大女排自由人
‏@clahanna: It's absolutely horrendous that guns are more easily accessible in the US than Health Care. #NeedChange (在美国,得到枪支居然比得到医疗还要容易,真是太可怕了。#呼吁改变)

James Shaw - 斯坦福大学男排(位置没查到)
‏@James_Shaw3: How many mass shootings is it going to take for this country to amend the right to bear arms? #prayers4conneticut (这个国家到底需要多少大规模枪杀才能意识到修正枪支管制条例的重要性?#为康州祈福)

Mitch Beal - 俄亥俄州男排主攻
@Mitchbeal: Unbelievable how fucked up people are #stoptheviolence #CTstaystrong" #prayers4connecticut #ConneticutShooting  (难以置信,那些家伙太操蛋了!#停止暴力 #康州坚挺 #为康州祈福 #康州枪杀)

Becky Perry - 华盛顿大学女排主攻
‏@becky_perry: Prayers go out to the victims of the Connecticut elementary school shooting. I am heartbroken for these people. (为校园康州的小学枪杀中的受害者祈祷。我为他们感到痛心。)

Nicole Davis - 美国女排自由人
‏@nicolemdavis6: Wish there weren't people in this world that think it's ok to take the innocent life of others… #stopthemadness (我希望世界上不再有人夺走其他任何无辜的人的生命… #停止疯狂)

Lindsey Berg - 美国女排二传
‏@Napela: Who shoots kids? Who shoots anyone? Streets are crazy… This needs to end… sending love to all of those involved… (谁对儿童开枪?谁对谁开了枪?外面的世界都疯狂了…停止这一切…为所有受牵连的人传递爱…)

Brook Billings - 前美国男排接应 (2002~2008)
‏@BrookBillings: Pure evil. Why is shooting helpless people becoming a trend? F U you F'ing F's! (罪孽!为什么对手无寸铁的人开枪成了这个时代的走向?我擦,我擦擦擦!)

Scott Touzinsky - 美国男排主攻
@scottouz: Unreal How one horrible person can take the lives of innocent others. Think before you act. My heart goes out to all the parents In CT. (这不是真的!为何一个恶魔可以夺走无辜者的生命。请在你行动前理性思考。为康州所有的家庭祈福。)

●  以上英文部分为引文,球员国籍和场上位置后添加;个别陌生球员,参考自帖末地址。如有错误欢迎理性指正!
●  愿世界和平,2012年不是末日,所有人平安顺利度过!
●  好人一生平安!
●  然而,就在同一天,中国36岁男子闵应军持刀砍伤河南光山县文殊乡陈棚村完全小学22名学生。世界排名前两位的经济体美国和中国在同一天发生了惨绝人寰的针对儿童的杀戮惨案。呼吁关爱儿童!

Ace. (14 December 2012) Stars tweet on Connecticut Shooting. In. Volleywood.
Ace. (8 November 2011) Becky in her own words... In. Volleywood.
Ctvrtlik & Shaw. (17 November 2011) Stanford lands top men's volleyball recruiting class. In. Gostanford.
Ohio State Buckeyes Men's Volleyball. (?) Mitch Beal. In. Ohio State Buckeyes Official Athletic Site
 楼主| 发表于 2012-12-16 06:24:09 | 显示全部楼层
{:soso__5595107650785475274_2:}  为中国和美国在同一天离开这个世界的儿童祈福!

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发表于 2012-12-16 15:14:53 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2012-12-17 12:36:32 | 显示全部楼层
无论如何 孩子都是无辜的

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发表于 2012-12-19 03:09:12 | 显示全部楼层

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